Actually, I didn't graduate from Piedmont with your class. I was in the half grade behind you which posed lots of problems. For one I had to join the choir at noon to have enough credits to graduate, and no one wants to hear me sing. I transferred to Santa Catalina in Monterey. I graduated in 1960, never singing another note, even in required church. Went to Whitman College in Walla Walla, and graduated from UW with a degree in art history. I worked in SF for Dean Witter and then Forbes. I married Lea Talcott in 1968. Lea wasn't so happy with my playing cards (poker) at lunch at Forbes. He thought I might get in trouble and borrow. Didn't happen. I won most of the time. Anyway we moved to NJ, which is lovely once you get out of Newark, and even that is nice in places tho I have never seen them. Soon we moved to VT. It is a very CA place. And I am still there --well here.